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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) applies your most effective keywords strategically across your digital assets. Reaching the top of organic search engine results does not happen by luck, but rather by diligent tracking of what your ideal clients are searching.

Mottofy your SEO:

Professional keyword discovery and research
Digital SEO audit of all existing assets
Strategic integration of keywords throughout your website
Optimized Google Business profile and ongoing strategy
Targeted page titles, meta descriptions, and image tags
Effective H1 settings, page footers, site maps, and schema markups
Connected Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Google Search Console dashboards

Powerful SEO marketing integrates thorough research, intentional copy, and strategic site design. Long gone are the days of simply reaching the top of the search results page. Today’s goal is to answer the right questions, establish expertise, and earn user trust.

Mottofy Marketing builds your SEO strategy with your business goals, values, and tone in mind. You’ll never lose your unique identity in the process, but you will attract qualified leads and deliver an optimized user experience. We’ll review your results with you in monthly easy-to-read data reports so that we can make informed adjustments as we go


“Adriana also took the time to understand my goals and help me set up a strategy to meet them. She broke them down into easy, actionable steps for me and held me accountable with follow up e-mails and check-ins. She allowed me to work at a pace that was comfortable to me, offering guidance and motivation throughout the whole process.
After working with Motto Marketing, I went from feeling overwhelmed with marketing to well-informed and empowered. I’m so grateful for Adriana and her kind demeanor, organized approach, and vast expertise. I highly recommend her services to anyone looking to grow their business! 


Ready to drop the guesswork and apply professional strategy to your SEO?